Thursday, December 1, 2011

Almost A New Year - Time For A Reset

No idea how many people would actually read any of the shit I put up BUT gonna start doing this again anyways. Figured tonight was a good day to start since I'm going to day one of my two day concert bender:

  • Animals As Leaders + TasseracT + Between The Buried And Me [2011.12.01]
  • Devin Townsend + Atomis [2011.12.02]
Also just realized it's the first day of December when posting that. Happy December!


Wednesday, March 2, 2011

30 Day Song Challenge - Day 10 - A Song That Makes You Fall Asleep

There are a lot of songs that can make me fall asleep. I can fall asleep to melodeath if I wanted to. But the songs that I love listening to before I go to bed (or anytime of the day really) is most likely:
BEAUTIFUL piece of music. Love this song. Great for any time of the day but also great for sleeping. Multi-purpose song :3

Madre Terra, a close second though:
Another beautiful song. Orchestral music kicks so much ass.

30 Day Song Challenge - Day 09 - A Song That You Can Dance To

I don't dance. But I used to play DDR. Close enough right?

30 Day Song Challenge - Day 08 - A Song That You Know All The Words To

This one's kinda hard tbh since I don't just know all the words to songs but to albums. I could name them all but I figure I'll just name a few of the songs I'm most proud to say I know the words to aha
All by Rammstein and all German!. Keine Lust, Ich Will and Ohne Dich.I know the lyrics to almost all their songs but these are some of my faves. I always thought German was such a cool language :3
On a side note, CANNOT WAIT till May 13th. 

Sunday, February 27, 2011

30 Day Song Challenge - Day 07 - A Song That Reminds You Of A Certain Even

This one's easy:
Easily, my favourite new band of recent years and also I band that I luckily came to know personally. Great bunch of down to earth guys that make killer music. Saw them twice live and had good chats with them on both occasions. This song reminds me of the second time they came by though. Easily one of the most memorable nights of my life. If I remember correctly, during this song, Chris Clancy, the vocalist got down on his knees on the stage, grabbed my head and put my forehead against his and we sand the lyrics together. Coolest thing that's ever happened to me during a set, something I will NEVER forget. Then after their set, I chatted with them for a while, I got a second drumstick from them (first one from the first time I saw them), signed guitar pick from the band, signed pick by Dan Bage, the guitarist, who also showed me some of his gear in the tour van and grabbed dinner with their [former] drummer, Bill Fore to name a few things that happened that night. One of the most special nights I've ever had and I thank you guys for that.

30 Day Song Challenge - Day 06 - A Song That Reminds You Of Somewhere

Had to think a little bit about this one but the winner is:
All That Remains - Not Alone. When I went to the Philippines for a month, I went on an ATR binge for whatever reason. Awesome binge to be on (especially Fall Of Ideals). Anyways, killer song, killer lyrics and reminds me of the Philippines where most of my fam jam is. Can't ask for more!

And yeah this was supposed to be yesterday but oooh well

Friday, February 25, 2011

30 Day Song Challenge - Day 05 - A Song That Reminds You Of Someone

Not really a hard choice since it's the most viewed cover I've got. Also a great song and the first request I've ever done. Thanks MNM!