Sunday, February 27, 2011

30 Day Song Challenge - Day 07 - A Song That Reminds You Of A Certain Even

This one's easy:
Easily, my favourite new band of recent years and also I band that I luckily came to know personally. Great bunch of down to earth guys that make killer music. Saw them twice live and had good chats with them on both occasions. This song reminds me of the second time they came by though. Easily one of the most memorable nights of my life. If I remember correctly, during this song, Chris Clancy, the vocalist got down on his knees on the stage, grabbed my head and put my forehead against his and we sand the lyrics together. Coolest thing that's ever happened to me during a set, something I will NEVER forget. Then after their set, I chatted with them for a while, I got a second drumstick from them (first one from the first time I saw them), signed guitar pick from the band, signed pick by Dan Bage, the guitarist, who also showed me some of his gear in the tour van and grabbed dinner with their [former] drummer, Bill Fore to name a few things that happened that night. One of the most special nights I've ever had and I thank you guys for that.

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