Wednesday, February 23, 2011

30 Day Song Challenge - Day 03 - A Song That Makes You Happy

There are many a song that makes me happy but no other song in the world makes me as happy as this song does:
A GEM from one of my favourite guitarists, BUCKETHEAD! This song brings levels of childish joy upon me no matter what. Literally. If:
    1) I found out that the rumors of Santa Claus being fake were true
    2) I found out that the tooth fairy isn't actually one of my favourite wrestlers in hockey gear
    3) I found out that the double rainbow guy (Bear) wasn't even close to being high when he made that video
You get the point. If I found all of this out on the same day, it would probably rip the soul out of me. BUT if I played this song I'd be like I was born in Disneyland. Just goes to show that a guy with enough talent can make you feel whatever the hell you want without lyrics or without fancy instruments. Just pure raw talent.

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